Friday, July 13, 2007

Finding Joy in the Morning

"Joy in the Morning" is the name of a blog that I often frequent. This woman is an inspiration. She strives to find joy in the morning despite some serious challenges in her life, including several miscarriages, a lost child at birth, serious childhood illnesses and the loss of a child at age 16. I think I would just curl up and die but she goes on and thrives.

I don't have nearly the challenges this woman has in her life. I don't have nearly the challenges that many others have in the lives. I do have challenges - don't get me wrong - but not like some others I read.

One of my challenges right now is wondering if I will EVER get more than 6-7 hours of sleep a night - and that is INTERRUPTED sleep. I see no prospects in the future for CONTINUOUS sleep. We have to get up with Emma at least once, and often twice overnight, to check her blood glucose levels. And worse than that, if we have to treat her, we have to stay awake at least 30 minutes to check her again. And if we aren't happy with the results, we have to treat her again and wait another 30 mintues. And I remind you this is often at 3am.

We are tired in our house. Physically tired. Emotionally tired. Completely drained. It is just so affecting our overall lives in so many ways.

I'm having trouble finding joy in the morning - most days I'd just like to find sleep. I hope the joy finds me again soon.

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