Saturday, January 19, 2008

CGMS trial - Day 2

So, we're in a decent groove with the CGMS now. We went to Michael's basketball game and could watch it spike up from breakfast and then come back down. Lunch and dinner both had only little spikes and we got a couple of "potential high" alarms, but that's it.

So, we put her to bed last night and did our typically 2 hour and 3 hour testing. She was in range for both the 2 hour and 3 hour readings.

But, here's the problem. When Emma's in range overnight, she's in a good range - 85-120 usually. And she stays there all night (except for an early morning spike that we are now observing on the CGMS). And the threshold level for the CGMS is 90. So, it didn't like the range that it was detecting for her levels. From 2am - 4:15am, it went off every 15 minutes to tell me she's low. And we HAD to go in and clear the alarms or they just get REALLY LOUD!! So, I was up every 15 minutes for those 2+ hours. I even gave her juice at one point to try and get her up above the threshold to stop the alarms. That didn't work. I finally turned off the baby monitor at about 4:30 and ignored the alarms the rest of the night so that I could get a little sleep.


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