Tuesday, October 30, 2007

I guess I'll take the good with the bad

subtitle: There is just something so wrong with this entire situation!

I had to do a site change this afternoon - it was approaching 3 days and we were running out of insulin. Believe it or not, I've been getting a little extra time out of our sites that past few times, even WITH her illness. That would be nice, because every 2 days was getting real old.

So, I got everything ready and I warned Emma that I was getting ready to poke her behind. She was laying on the couch watch her shows. I asked her if she wanted to hold my hand. She said no. So I went ahead and put in the site, counted to five and removed the inserter - and not a peep out of her! That was the first time! And we don't use any numbing creme. We just deal with the pinch for a second and its over.

But then, I'm trying to get everything "put back together", her pump back in her pouch, etc, and I was finding myself trying to get her diaper taped back up and not get her tubing all twisted up in the diaper tape. There is just something SO wrong with having to worry about pump tubing with a diaper. Something really wrong!!

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