Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Pretty stable

Things are finally getting pretty stable with Emma on the pump - well, that is as stable as they can ever be with a 2 year old with diabetes.

A couple of really nice results of pumping:
- When she is only 125 after her dinner dose is done, we can have confidence that she "probably" won't go low. That isn't always the case but in the past with Lantus, a 125 after dinner was a sure sign of a 50 at 2am.
- Emma will more often get into range after a meal - and into range will usually mean the LOW 100s. In the past, we were happy with higher 100s after meals.

We still have a couple of time periods to tweak. When Emma naps, we increase her basal rate by 20%. That doesn't always keep her in range so we might need to increase it to 30% and give it a shot.

Nap or not, Emma tends to head low right before dinner. I think its because the late afternoon is when we are at Tae Kwon Do or soccer or at some other activity while she's running around. We have lowered that basal rate but I think its needs a bit more lowering.

We have switched her I:C ratio for dinner about 5 times - back and forth from 1:20 and 1:22. Believe it or not, that crazy 2 carbs makes a big difference. If we dose 1:20, she will often go low at 3 hours after dinner. If we dose 1:22, she'll go high - into the mid 200s. That's a big swing for 2 little carbs.

But, despite those areas that I'm still monitoring, we are VERY happy with the pump.

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